Kormosvari-Hajto Sobri x Nyirsegfia Dalma
DOB 03/07/2013
GCH CH Moore's Makin' Shine Dodgin' Cops OA OAJ NF SBN BCAT RATI "Dodge"
AKC Herding Instinct Test IT
Sire: Hilarow Mah Lil' Skeeter Bug CM BN RN MX MXB MXJ MJB MXF CGC TKN JHD
Dam: IrCh Köves-bérci Betyár Rege JunCH AnCH'17'18 CW'18
DOB: 04/17/21
Height: 16.5"
Full tailed
We're very excited to have acquired this girl in association with
She is a result of a reverse breeding I had pictured with Skeeter's littermate, Flirt. I appreciate both kennels making this happen and am excited to promote Dodge as she matures.
7 weeks Photo credit Cris Dickinson
8 weeks Photo credit Quinn Ellison
1 year all photos credit Cris Dickinson
Free stack during play
Jan. 2023 Ringside at RCC. Photos by Barbara Bartel
August 2023, earns Select at the MCA National Specialty in the biggest Mudi entry to date with 48 dogs entered, and again 2 days later at the same event to finish her GCH
Jan. 2023, Portland, Dodge earns her Champion Title with a major and BOS, plus adds another BOB and 2 more majors towards her Grand. She finishes her CH with 4 majors and two BOB
Jan. 2023, Puyallup, Dodge wins BOB and 2 majors towards her CH
Oct. 2022, Boise, Dodge starts showing and earns her first major plus earns her IT (Herding Instinct test certificate)
FAST CAT photos by Skinny Dog Photography
At the MCA Specialty weekend, Dodge earned her RATI, two legs for her Novice Title and earned High In Trial Novice Dog (for all Nov, not just Mudi).
Below left signaling a found rat, below right finding the tube with the rat.
Photo Credit Charlotte With Dogs
August 2023 MCA Specialty and Supported entries
Dodge goes Select twice at the biggest entries to date and finishes her Grand CH
Photo credit for both pictures at MCA specialty Ringside Hounds
Dodge is an incredible performance dog as well as having fantastic conformation.
I elected not to keep her in my breeding program but now Dodge is owned and loved by Ari, a junior agility handler. All agility titles and pictures are the accomplishments of Ari and Dodge. We look forward to everything that the future brings with this pair.
Photo Credit Sophia Bromgard